2023 Artist Application

  1. The artist must submit two different examples that are representative of the artwork they plan on creating, which must be provided with this Application, i.e.: laser prints, photos or JPEG images (identified with your name). PLEASE BE ADVISED: Photos/slides etc. cannot be returned.
  2. The city will not accept an Artist without a picture or sketch and brief description of the proposed street painting image being submitted with the Artist Application. If you are doing a reproduction (your own work or work of another artist) you must submit a copy of the image along with a copy of your original sketch with the Artist Application.
  3. The City will provide a limited amount of chalk to be utilized by the artist for the artwork. However, should the artist require a predominant color for their artistic rendering or artwork the City recommends purchasing additional chalk in that predominate color before the Festival.
  4. The artwork for the Street Painting Festival must be appropriate for public viewing. The City does not permit the following: (1) logos or trademarks, ; (2) artwork that violates copyright laws; (3) artwork that includes religious images or statements; or (4) artwork that includes commercial or political advertisements, statements or speech. The Artist is prohibited from selling or merchandising their art work during the Street Painting Festival and shall not solicit any type of donations and tipping boxes or jars are not permitted. The Artist may distribute business cards from their onsite location. The Artist is only permitted to display their name and their social media information.


Brief description for your profile. URLs are hyperlinked.


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  • Available to hire

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